This is Love

January 27, 2014

This verse is really near and dear to my heart. Honestly, my favorite verses are the ones that speak of God's undying love for His people. It makes me feel so safe and secure in a world that often times is not.

God made the ultimate sacrifice for us. He sent His only Son to die for us, all because He loves us. For our sins, Jesus was killed. He had no sins - but He took ours. 

You are not unlovable. You are not useless. You are loved by the Creator of all things. His love for you surpasses any human understanding. 

I hope you come to accept His love. He stands at the door and knocks, waiting for you to open. Please open that door, and let the Lord enter your life. I promise you that you will never, ever regret it.

xo Eliza

(1 John 4:9-10 via Tumblr)


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